Monday, May 25, 2009

Ben Affleck defending Arabs

I clearly remember this moment during the campaigning. McCain was praised for dispelling myths about Obama but it was acceptable that the audience member was equating being Arab with being evil....that part needed no dispelling and noone really caught it. Ben Affleck did! Let's all come together and formally forgive him for Jersey Girl! Whadayasay?


Jaz said...

I really enjoyed Jersey Girl...

Hamza said...

I never imagined him as an outspoken person especially when it comes to politics. But at least, he noticed the obvious.

His Sweetheart said...

Have always loved the guy :D

JL missed him :D

asoom said...

Jaz, well habibti this is the first time I hears someone say that!

Hamza, he actually is. He has been known to make Gaza statements in public.

His, I wasn't a huge fan especially after he chose to marry Jennifer Garner who I find really annoying, whose JL?