Friday, June 19, 2009

A surprise revisit from the past...

What motivates a guy to get in touch with a girl after a long period (like well over a year) of no contact? I say "guy" specifically and not "person" because I know that guys and girls tick differently; they respond to different things and are motivated by different factors generally speaking.

So why? Especially after it was really his fault and his choices that stopped a potentially blossoming relationship. Is it regret? an awakening maybe? Did he realize things after all this time of growing up that he didn't realize then? or could it just be desperation?

I thought they were supposed to be of the simpler gender, but seriousy I don't understand men!


karmi said...

They are complex beings, aren't they? No matter what the literature says. You know, there could be many reasons for this man reappearing. Only you can find that out, in time. I find that they do not like so many questions at once. Exciting.

Hamza said...

not necessarily. Don't over-analyse things. It happens that something might have triggered a memory of you to make him initiate the contact again.

These things happen randomly and for no reason. So don't over analyse.

Heather said...

I agree with Hamza - who knows, don't worry about over thinking it. They are too confusing despite any claims of being the simpler of creatures!

KJ said...

He is after your novels. Hide them quickly!

Shmal said...

You never know what you have till it's gone...

queenie said...

I think it's really simple: he probably got rejected/dumped by a girl, and got a wake-up call.

asoom said...

Karmi, you're right about the scares them away. However I don't like vagueness and it drives me crazy to get mixed msgs

Hamza, "It happens that something might have triggered a memory of you to make him initiate the contact again." I doubt it Hamza. I think i twas a little more calculated than that

Goofy, yea they're too confusing

asoom said... know he's really not the reading type

Shmal....that's the theory I'm leaning towards

Queenie....and that's also one of my theories...but who wants to be the rebound chick? not me!