Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My hooked on your blog award

Some blogger somewhere must have started passing around this cute button and it was given to me by fellow comrade in arms, Goofy Girl! thanks :)


KJ said...

loooooooooooooooooooooooool! That's a creative award to pass on!

Rebellious Arab Girl said...

I think the picture is more effective if they had a picture of a hook instead of a row of homes. :P

Congrats! It is a cute idea, and yesterday I got a blog butterfly award! It was so cute! :)

Anonymous said...

it's cute.. you know that we are hooked on your blog, right ??

what happen to your old blog? don't tell me that you are still running both along with your full schedule !! then no wonder that your heart is running !
Take care and take it slow :)

asoom said...


mona, yea maybe it has to do with the blogger that started this, like the type of blog they had I don't know... Sounds cool!

Noura, awwww you're so cute! For various reasons my old blog is no longer but I better be seeing you back here.